What to expect from a Color Analysis

If you think draping, you're right, but there is much more involved. So let's start at the beginning. At the very beginning. Most clients say they really like the drive through the beautiful countryside to the studio located just East of Pittsburgh, between Monroeville and Apollo.

While getting there . . .

Depending on the time of year you decide to pay a visit, the seasons can be admired in their full splendor

At arrival . . .

At arrival you're welcomed in the open, light and spacious studio where I will show you with lots of colorful examples what color analysis is all about. I am always curious about peoples experiences with colors so far, so it's really more of a twoway conversation about you and colors. You'll never look at colors in the same way again.

We start with taking your skintone

skintone selectors

comparison image

I compare your skintone with samples to arrive at the preliminary 'Suzanne-Season'. Suzanne Caygill was the originator of the concept of Color Analysis in the United States, starting in 1942. She later founded the Academy of Color. I was trained in 'Painting Skintones to determine the Suzanne Season', by one of her graduates: Rochele HC Hirsch As I am comparing your unique skintone with one of many samples for the seasons, I get a sense of what your skin undertone is, how much green there is (if any), or blue or purple. I get 'your-version-of-red'. Is it a warm and clear Vermillion? Is it a somewhat cooler, yet robust Alizarine? Is it a lighter Naphtol Crimson?

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Once I have a couple of samples that are a near perfect match, I start to paint your skintone and red tones. Every now and then I'll match the freshly painted samples with your skintone. This is the time to check your phone, or . . . glance at some magazines. It takes about 20 minutes.


The second step in the process of determining your season is by extensive draping. The Suzanne Season is then validated by draping. Furthermore we use the drapes to arrive at your subseason. In front of a good mirror, with light from all sides, you will see the effect of different colors on your complexion.

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This is where I explain more about colors in terms of their Hue, Temperature, Chroma, Saturation, Resonance and Contrast. As we go along you develop a sense for these color characteristics. You'll start to see what you need in these terms. For instance do I need clarity or toned? High contrast or low contrast? Somewhere in between? This process takes around 2 hours.

After many series of methodical comparisons, you'll see . . .

burgundy image
burgundy image

What works, what doesn't and why

At this point you will know your subseason and I get to work with the painting and building of your palette.

Finalizing your unique Palette

It typically takes a couple of hours to build your custom Palette. But you don't have to wait for this, since I have all the information I need.

painting palette
painting palette
painting palette
painting palette

Your Palette is delivered by me in person or by mail and comes with a cork pouch and a booklet that explains the different colors on your palette and how to use them.

Come and visit the studio to find out once and for all what's your palette and be on your way to the harmonious and stressfree wardrobe.